Suddenly , i am conscious of a white beam of light , knowing that i must follow it or be lost 突然,我意识到一束白光,我知道我必须跟从它,否则我就会迷失。
Jack pan : it is very difficult to be selected as the president of yale . how did you do it ? did you apply for it or were you asked for it 主持人潘杰客:当选耶鲁大学校长是很困难的,你是怎么做到的?是你申请的吗?还是你要求的?
[ bbe ] no ox or sheep which has a mark on it or is damaged in any way may be offered to the lord your god : for that is disgusting to the lord your god 凡有残疾、或有甚麽恶病的牛羊、你都不可献给耶和华你的神、因为这是耶和华你神所憎恶的。
For the control to be displayed properly , the . dll file containing the control must either be in the same virtual directory as the web page that is displaying it or be installed in the global assembly cache 为了正确显示控件,包含控件的. dll文件必须与显示控件的网页驻留在同一虚拟目录下,或必须安装在全局程序集缓存中。
The customer agrees to accept liability for all withdrawals from the accounts , to be responsible for the repayment of any overdraft and interest thereon and to assume full responsibility for the genuineness of all instructions given in connection therewith , unless any such withdrawal or instruction is forged or given fraudulently and the bank has failed to exercise reasonable skill and care in relation to it or is otherwise unauthorized as a result of the wilful default or negligence of the bank or any of its employees , agents or servants 客户同意对于向其账户所作之任何提款负责,并同意负责偿还任何透支款项及其利息,及承担一切与该账户有关指示之真实性,除非任何该等提款或指示为伪造或以欺诈手段作出,而本行没有就此行使合理水平的技术及审慎态度或由于本行或其任何雇员代理人或员工之故意失责或疏忽而成为未经授权。